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It's 2021

Posted Feb 10, 2021

Hi!  It's been a long time.  Lemming's still keeping the lights on, and the TF2 server continues to stay alive even after all the updates.

The forums now require login to view, so you're very likely seeing this announcement from the homepage.  If you're a former forum-goer that would like to regain access, contact me, nosoop, on Steam (or if you're on either of the two Discord servers, give me a ping there).

If you add me over Steam, please also leave a comment on my profile mentioning such.  I can't say I'll recognize you, so leaving the comment will at least let me know you're not some trader looking to lowball me for my TF2 items, because I still get those.

Anyways, happy 2021; hope all you nommers are doing well, whatever it is you're up to.

Hello? Anyone out there?

Posted Dec 26, 2018

Yo.  Merry Christmas.

Long time no see!  I've pretty much just doing maintenance work, making sure the server hasn't crashed / burned / fallen to security exploits.  Not that there's much community left here, but since it's on auto-pay (thanks to Lemming) I might as well do the upkeep.  Part of the maintenance work recently was to update the forum software to run on a non EOL'd version of PHP, so that's been done.  Pardon the new design and the few bugs.

Anyways, if you haven't seen it, most of the regulars are floating between (at least) two Discord guilds:  Monkey Face (or Cocoa, not sure what the canonical name is), and Channel Teufort.  Not too late to stop by and catch up with everyone!

State of the Sandvich: November 2014

Posted Nov 20, 2014

[sample text]


So Halloween's come and gone, and as I mentioned, discussion post on how Oatmeal's been dead.  Here ya go.


Us admins have been having discussions amongst ourselves, and even that's been at a standstill.  Initially we were discussing how we could tweak the server.  Stuff like reducing downloads, enabling random crits.  Couldn't come to an agreement on some aspects.


We discussed the possibility of making group event announcements along the lines of "Come play with us!".  It was dismissed as being kind of spammy.


We debated on running a CS:GO server.  That was quickly shot down, considering there isn't much demand for custom servers in that playerbase.


We also had that secret project I was hinting at.  I gave it some thought.  And then some more.  Ultimately, it would end up only catering to a small niche of people, and as fun as it would've been to run with the idea, I decided to can it.  It wasn't worth developing.


So things have been a standstill for a long while on that front, and so now I'd like to hear what the rest of us thinks.


Do you have any suggestions on what we should do as a community?  Do we care about having new people playing on Oatmeal?  Are we content with having our little corner of the internet stay as it is, regardless of TF2?

Nom Update: Scares, Spooks, and Ham

Posted Oct 28, 2014

And we are live!




And so are the skeletons! Oh my god why are they alive

It's time for the third annual Nom-Nom-Nom.Us Halloween Event, and have we got something in store for you!


An update to has been released. The update will be applied automatically. The major changes include:


The Spookening has been released!

  • Mapcycle has been switched to the Halloween cycle.
  • Added a few spooky modifications to gameplay:
    • Bazbo barrabus! Spellbooks have been distributed on different maps.
    • Rise From the Dead: There is a low chance of a skeleton spawning where you die.
    • Ghost Mode (Redux): When you die, you will become a ghost until you respawn.
    • Grave News: On a domination or revenge, a gravestone will spawn where that player died.
    • Bosses set to spawn on different maps. If you don't cap, you're in for it.
    • Spin the wheel! The Wheel of Fate is now implemented on maps that aren't Ghost Fort.
  • Balance changes:
    • Increased spookiness of skeletons by 33%
    • Decreased spookiness of ghosts by 15%
    • Player sightings up 40%
  • Updated localization files

Thanks to everyone that joined in to make the spookies happen!

Something Spoopy This Way Comes...

Posted Oct 1, 2014



... Not quite scared yet?  Well, we've got stuff going on in the back, and the witching hour is almost at hand...
So what if I told you this:  Nom's coming back from the dead... soon!  Are you thoroughly spooked now?
(Also, happy October, guys!)